a conventional Difference View is generated and virtually divided into many small square areas

Find small changes quickly with the Difference Mask
Don't lose the overview! Find all changes. Immediately.
Take time saving and security to a new level - especially for large drawings with few modifications.
Forget the time-consuming search for changes. And not only you. Relieve all process participants of unnecessary and annoying search processes.
Imagine a larger drawing, for example the format ISO A1, which was only slightly changed. Overlap ratios of 95% and more are not uncommon. For example, the drawing comparison at the top of this page shows 96% coverage.
Of course, you are also able to detect changes with the help of a conventional Difference View. Maybe you know, or at least suspect, how long it takes to be sure you have discovered even small changes. Think of a changed tolerance of a diameter dimension. Well, really sure?
Let the computer help you. The COYODO Difference View with Difference Mask is also available for you.

How the Difference Mask is created

for each of these areas, the system determines whether it contains changed elements or not
all unmodified areas are darkened so that the original information underneath is still perfectly visible, but the bright, modified areas are particularly eye-catching
the changed areas are optionally numbered - so that you can refer to them in your change documentation
The purpose of the Difference Mask is to highlight few small changes. If there are too many or even all areas of a document affected by changes, the basic idea, the advantages and the "visual elegance" of the Difference Mask would be lost. In this case, only a conventional Difference View without mask is generated.

Do you know this situation? Several employees standing in front of two fully packed drawing versions and spending hours trying to find all the changes? Let's ignore this extreme case and assume that the Difference Mask saves just three minutes per change in the process. Then your company (in Germany) saves 10,000 euros with 1000 comparisons per year. Through the Difference Mask alone!
Doesn't that sound really interesting?
The Difference Mask is a feature of the COYODO Difference View.